David Watson

David Watson

Company: Cadent

Job title: Head of energy transition


David has worked in the energy industry for over twenty years, with leadership roles in a variety of policy, regulatory and strategy positions.  He was previously Director, Group Strategy at Centrica where he led the development of their decarbonisation of power, mobility and heat strategies, and latterly was Managing Director at Heat Trust, operating customer protection schemes in the heat network sector.  He recently joined Cadent as Head of Energy Transition where he is now focused on the transition to hydrogen.


Accelerating the development of hydrogen for home heating 10:50 am

How can the private sector, regulators and policymakers work together to advance the development of hydrogen as a key option in the decarbonisation of heat in homes The importance of customer engagement, area planning and regulatory planning Developing hydrogen business modelsRead more

day: 12 May 2021

Panel discussion: adapting your asset base – the pressures of decarbonising heat on existing energy infrastructure 11:55 am

day: 12 May 2021