Emma Bushall

Emma Bushall

Company: Lewisham Council

Job title: Sustainability manager


Emma is the Sustainability Manager at Lewisham Council where she coordinates their response to the Climate Emergency and the development of heat networks across the borough. At Islington Council she co-developed the planning policy requiring a Green Performance Plan. As a Building Performance Consultant at Max Fordham she acted as Soft Landings Champion on a range of projects including offices, schools and cultural buildings. She co-wrote and directed the rollout of their building performance strategy. Currently she is working to deliver Lewisham’s two successful Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme projects and a detailed feasibility study for a strategic heat network to supply low carbon heat to Lewisham homes.


Panel discussion: overcoming the retrofit challenge 2:10 pm

How to approach off-grid and hard to treat properties Low carbon heat solutions for domestic and social housing How can local authorities approach the retrofit challenge?Read more

day: 12 May 2021