Ian Cameron

Ian Cameron

Company: UK Power Networks

Job title: Head of innovation and customer services


Ian Cameron has over 20 years’ international experience in the electricity distribution networks industry. His background is in network operation, capital construction and connections, with a specific focus on renewable energy and system optimisation, this focus is supported through his Electrical and Mechanical degrees. As Head of Customer Service and Innovation for UK Power Networks, Ian’s role includes running our dedicated Customer Service Centre and a team of highly skilled engineers and data specialists developing innovative solutions to strategic key focus areas of enabling Net Zero, future operating models and improving existing business outputs. Furthermore, Ian is responsible for delivering best in class customer service, leading a team of more than 300 staff. These focus areas being readiness of the distribution network for the low carbon transition, future business / operating models and efficient and effective delivery of existing business outputs. Furthermore, Ian has overall accountability for innovation delivery programmes and innovation strategic direction. Ian’s career started in Eskom South Africa, where he left the position of Senior Technical Specialist, he then joined UK firm Freedom Group Power Projects division as Regional delivery manager. Since joining UK Power Networks Ian has overseen the delivery and connection of over 230 large renewable distributed generation sites, adding over 4GW to the grid in three years before moving on to head the industry-leading Innovation Team.


Panel discussion: overcoming the retrofit challenge 2:10 pm

How to approach off-grid and hard to treat properties Low carbon heat solutions for domestic and social housing How can local authorities approach the retrofit challenge?Read more

day: 12 May 2021