Joanna Hills

Joanna Hills

Company: Raven Housing Trust

Job title: Director of assets and services


Jo is a chartered Civil Engineer and fellow of the Chartered Management Institute, with many years of experience as an engineer and director in construction and maintenance across the public, charitable and commercial sectors. She is the Chair of the National Housing Federation’s London and South East Asset Management Group and a member of the Quality of Existing Homes National Group. Jo joined Raven Housing Trust in 2014 and is Director of Assets & Services.


Panel discussion: overcoming the retrofit challenge 2:10 pm

How to approach off-grid and hard to treat properties Low carbon heat solutions for domestic and social housing How can local authorities approach the retrofit challenge?Read more

day: 12 May 2021

Heating solutions for social housing 1:45 pm

Creating and funding a heat strategy for the future   The challenges of transition to new forms of heatingRead more

day: 12 May 2021