Madeleine Gabriel

Madeleine Gabriel

Company: Nesta

Job title: Director, Sustainable Future


Madeleine leads Nesta’s mission to create A Sustainable Future, which focuses on decarbonisation and economic recovery. Her team is setting up innovation projects and partnerships exploring how to reduce carbon emissions from homes and, in the wake of Covid-19, how to boost productivity and help people find good work. She previously led Nesta’s work on inclusive innovation, researching ways to create an equitable, innovation-led economy in the UK. She has published widely on innovation trends and practices that promote sustainability and social impact. Before joining Nesta in 2014, Madeleine specialised in social research and programme evaluation, helping charities and public bodies to understand and improve their impact. She has worked across a wide range of public policy areas including learning, skills and employability, public health, housing and neighbourhood regeneration.


How can we get consumers on board with home energy efficiency and green heating? 3:30 pm

The big leaps forward in decarbonisation so far have been made mainly without consumers noticing – decommissioning coal-fired power stations and ramping up renewable energy. But the next phase can only be achieved if consumers are really engaged.   Research consistently shows that consumers are concerned about climate change, but how can we turn interest and…Read more

day: 12 May 2021

Panel discussion and questions: public engagement in the challenge of decarbonising heat 3:45 pm

What are the drivers of consumer behavioural change? What are the impacts of behaviour change on the distribution network? How will connecting heat pumps affect the distribution network?Read more

day: 12 May 2021