Matt Hindle

Matt Hindle

Company: Energy Networks Association

Job title: Head of gas


Matt Hindle is Head of Gas for the Energy Networks Association. He works with ENA’s members on issues affecting the gas transmission and distribution networks, including the future role for gas in heat, transport and energy policy more widely. Prior to joining ENA, Matt spent six years working on green gas, energy policy and recycling issues for ADBA, ultimately as Head of Policy. He started his career with the Liberal Democrats as a researcher.


Case study: Key learnings from the Gas Decarbonisation Pathways Project 12:15 pm

How to coordinate network activity and support policy making for decarbonised gas How to engage all UK heat stakeholders in the process of developing low-carbon gas pathways and options What are the next steps to drive low-carbon heat in the UK?Read more

day: 26 February 2020